♪ Lady Gaga x Donkey Kong Country 2 - So Happy I Could Die (Random J Mashup)

The Winamp classic player with a pink colour scheme. Currently playing the Random J Mashup of Lady Gaga’s “So Happy I Could Die” and “Stickerbush Symphony” from Donkey Kong Country 2 — the cover art of which is displayed on the right-hand side.

For reasons unknown to even me, here’s a mashup of Lady Gaga’s “So Happy I Could Die” and “Stickerbush Symphony” from Donkey Kong Country 2.

During their SNES and N64 heydays — Rareware not only had an amazing run of games, but amazing soundtracks too. The one thing you always knew you’d get with a Rareware game was a good ass soundtrack. Killer Instinct, all of the Donkey Kong Country games, Goldeneye, Blast Corps. — all had bops ‘n’ bangers.

I still don’t know what compelled me to put Lady Gaga and Donkey Kong Country together, but you’re welcome.